Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Twist!

Hello Guys, I am back in writing. My apologies to all of you if I have isolated myself for the past months for some personal issues. I hardly opened my notebook during those difficult times.. whatever I am talking about now, I MIGHT soon tell you, but definitely, today's not the time. And I appreciate those people who listened to my silence and didn't judge me.

My life's been in a BIG TWIST!

And opppssss... I'm gonna be keeping my mouth shut until the wounds are healed.

There are people who touched my heart so much and YOU guys know who you are... THANK YOU for the overflowing love, and prayers to keep me strong and know that in whatever decisions I make, I will never be alone with your support.

My decisions may NOT be good, may not be RIGHT; all I know it is for the BEST of everyone, especially those whom you cared for more than your life.

I am SORRY, to those I've hurt. I am sorry. I hope in time, you'd find that forgiveness at the corners of your heart. I am willing to wait and right now I'd say, thank you for forgiving me.

Okay, before this blog would flood with tears, and speaking of "Twist", I am pretty sure we all love to boogie.

Last week, I was invited to see a children's concert at the mall, which I truly enjoyed watching. A group of 5-yr-old ish kids danced to the tune of "The Twist", a popular rock-and-roll music in the 1960's.

I can't keep my eyes off the dance pair on the right side of the stage, especially the little boy who made his unique " twist " move with his head like a drunk old man.

I downloaded this video for you, and keep looking at the pair on the right. Have fun watching and sorry if the sound is not good.

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